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Website Designing Training

Website Designing Training

Overview Of Website Designing Training Course

Website design is the process of designing a website with very artistic graphics that are also very practical. The most important aspects of website design training are material, appealing appearance, superior layout, and ease of access to the website on all devices. It is critical to create responsive websites that are designed for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Skill Riser Training Institute in Dubai provides the best Website Designing training to help you master the course. The BootStrap Framework, which aids in the design of highly responsive websites, has been introduced to our Website Designing training center.

We are aware that many businesses today are looking for websites that are highly sensitive. Their clients also say that they prefer websites that are well-optimized for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. As a result, learning according to the needs of the clients has always been the key. So, invest in quality training that will help you understand the fundamentals of web design, and your career will benefit as a result.

Why Do I Need To Learn Web Design?

A growing number of firms are searching for people who have worked in the field of web design. People are shopping online in greater numbers than ever before. An individual with design experience would have an advantage over other candidates who do not have the same expertise when searching for a new job.

Designed For:

Those who want to create their own website (for fun or profit), or those who want to create websites for others—possibly professionally.


  • Web Development Overview
  • WebPages types
  • Introduction to HTML structure of HTML tag
  • Forms & form elements
  • Migration from HTML4 to HTML5
  • Html5 deprecated attributes
  • App cache or offline applications
  • Drag and drop API
  • SVG
  • Web SQL


  • Client-Side Scripting introduction
  • JavaScript introduction
  • Types of JavaScript
  • Variables, operations, and data types in JavaScript
  • Conditional statements
  • JavaScript loops, popup boxes, functions, objects, events, arrays
  • Using JavaScript in real-time
  • Validation of forms

Adobe Photoshop:

  • Exploring Photoshop
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop using Photoshop tools
  • Quick Selection, Magic Wand
  • Blur and Exposure Tool
  • Palettes
  • Image types and editing tools
  • Design banners, basic website layout
  • Layers, groups, and smart object
  • Responsive design with grids
  • The conversation of PSD to XHTML

Adobe Dreamweaver:

  • Adobe Dreamweaver introduction
  • Basics of Dreamweaver interface
  • Set up your project
  • Creating root-site folder and its elements
  • Add images and links
  • Style text content
  • Structure of web pages
  • Template design in DW
  • Working with errors, validating code
  • Design responsive websites